Happy New year!

Welcome to 2024!

We have done it; made another successful journey around the sun, and now many people are in the full swing of setting and accomplishing goals. So first off, Happy New Year everyone! I know I am a day late with the well wishes, but I think I will forgive myself on that. Second, thank you so much for making last year so amazing in my return to Sonoma County, and returning to business ownership. It is only with your support that I can do this thing that I love, and I hope to be able to lean on your support in 2024 as well. I am hoping that this year is a year for the books, I have many plans that I want to see through, and I want to bring you all on that journey with me.

With that here are some goals for 2024:

  • Finish 1000 massages by the end of October (currently 70/1000).

  • Complete an animal massage course and certification.

  • Finally get to my Honeymoon (Winter 2024)

  • Network and have referral partners in various medical fields

  • Take some time to enjoy the process of all the above

I am sure that you have your own goals, so whether you want to keep those private, share them with the world, or keep it between friends, I hope you are feeling confident in tackling this year.

Best Wishes,

Christopher Hensley


The Holidays and Open House